Friday, October 21, 2011

Healthy Eating Nova Scotia

In a discussion I had today with one of the Public Health Nutritionists, she revealed that her job is very much dictated by the Healthy Eating Nova Scotia (HENS) strategy. HENS outlines four areas of priority: breastfeeding, children and youth, fruit and vegetable consumption, and food security. Concentrating on these areas would allow for blanket of health promotion interventions to reach as many people as possible in an attempt to lower the occurrance of chronic diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. I knew that her job was focused on these areas, but I hadn't made the link that it was due to this document and the strategic plan outlined in it. HENS strategic plan was released in 2005 and statistics have since revealed that improvements are being made in these four priority areas in the public through policies, programs, regulations, etc., thereby showing that Public Health Nutritionists were an effective and necessary asset to Public Health.

It is really fascinating and inspiring to hear how dietetic professionals are making such incredible positive changes to the health of the public, and makes me excited to be involved in the field.

1 comment:

  1. And this document is going to be used as one of three 'texts' for the Community Nutrition course I am teaching in the winter semester. Highlighting the excellent work being done in Nova Scotia should allow students to understand the significance of this strategy and the impact of dietitians' working in the community.
